Important question: How valuable would a 15% increase in business be to you?

Your answer was something like, "real important" or " you bet it is!", good answer.

Another, but more important question: How do you propose to increase your business 15% over the next year?

Hold on to that answer for just a minute.

Let's assume a small business owner generating $1,000.00 a day in revenue invests in an outdoor LED sign for his or her business. The business soon increases by 15%, adding another $150 per day in total revenue. That translates into an additional $1,050.00 a week in revenue, or $54,600.00 per year.

Our small business nets 20% of their revenue; lets see, that translates into an additional profit of $10,920.00 on the bottom line for the year. Not bad, huh?

How much more does your business bring in beyond our example? How much more is your net profit above 20%?

14.5 reasons for LED signs
  • attract more attention
  • increase walkin traffic
  • increase revenue & value
  • have greater visibility
  • unlimited changability
  • advertise specials on-the-spot
  • most cost effective advertising
  • always up-to-date
  • works 24 / 7 / 365
  • targets customers
  • brands your business
  • unlimited message potential
  • more economical to operate
  • your 'salesman on the street'
  • public service
  • How much more will your business model generate above our scenario?

    Did you know the Small Business Administration (SBA) conducted a study and determined that businesses that choose to enhance their signage with an LED sign, the owners typically see an increase in business of 15% to 150%! The study also revealed those same businesses saw an increase of 25-150% in walk-in trade.

    Now, back to your answer to question #2. Most likely, you said, "increase advertising", right? The majority of business owners answer that way.

    Another question: How does a newspaper ad, radio spot or cable TV commercial compare to an LED sign, based on the above scenario and the findings of the SBA?

    My answer: They don't compare! An outdoor LED sign is the best investment a small company can make for itself to increase their business. Dollar for dollar, there is no other form of advertising or marketing available to the small business that can match the effectiveness of an LED sign.

    Of course, word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising and your LED sign will certainly generate some talk around town!

    Adding an outdoor LED sign to your existing business marketing methods will increase attract more attention to your business, increase walk-in traffic and increase noticeability. All these increases will increase your bottom line profit. Perhaps the best marketing tool you can add will be an outdoor LED sign.

    You've seen LED signs, no doubt. You want an LED sign for your business or you wouldn't be reading this. Now, you know it's the right decision, based on the information I've given you.

    L E D signs are the wave of the future for outdoor advertising. Your business must have one in order to compete in today's marketplace. If you don't have an outdoor L E D sign, your competitor will!